An FPS Tactical Shooter Arena that features a critical decision gimmick that drives offensive and defensive round progression.
Inspired by: Valorant
Year: 2023 | Genre: FPS Multiplayer | Platform: PC
Map goals and Inspirations
The designer's goal for this map was to create a level that took inspiration from Valorant Maps like Ascent and Icebox. Combine the Gimmicks of both maps and add my own personal twist to the fomula.
Valorant - Icebox
Gimmick - Verticality / Ropes
Icebox features a radically vertical map layout and ropes to transition between the two levels.
Valorant - Ascent
Gimmick - Breakable Doors
Ascent features doors and switches close to both sites that shut and close off potential pushes. These doors can be broken.

Top Down
The layout for the Map features a larger map design with tighter site angles and longer site lines for mid.
Function - Create multiple options for players to approach the round and backup plans/routes if those plans fail.
Aesthetic - I wanted the layout to resemble a specific city street.

Gimmick Breakdown

Click Image to read breakdown
IRL Inspiration
My in-world inspiration for this map was Key Monastery a Tibetan Buddhist monastery located at the top of a hill in India.
The Architecture and Layout of the City are beautiful and follow a function-first layout. The city was designed and built to survive invasions by the Mongolian Empire.

Control Rooms
A Site Features Three Entry points. Two that connect to A lobby and one that connects through mid. The A Rafters entrance is controlled by the Map Switches. Triggering the switch also opens up a shortcut for Attackers through Mid.
B Site features 3 entry points. One from Mid and two from B Lobby. B Rafter's entrance is controlled by the map switch to open. B main entrance is closed when the map switch is triggered.
Mid features a split layout. One of the paths leads through mid and pivots into B site. The other path leads into A site through a tight pathway. A shortcut opens up into mid from A lobby if the map switch is triggered.
